Academic Paper Writing
To analyze and describe an event, one needs to know the location and period it happened. Therefore, History as a subject connects to the concept of time and space. It has to do with the "when" and "where” events occurred.
You may find it challenging to choose a research topic because of the numerous exciting events caused by humans. To make it easier to find a good topic, answer these two questions: what period and geographical location do you want to study? Have your friends, relatives or acquaintances witnessed some important events?
Do not answer these questions based on the books you read or a recent movie you watched because most times, the actual events are not as exciting as what these books and documentaries tell us. If you are still willing to choose the topic that interests you, erase all foreknowledge gained from books and movies, study the period and historical occurrences and then, watch the film and reread the book to get the differences and similarities between them and the real event.
Irrespective of the topic you choose, analyze and describe the event tracing it back to 100years maximum. It will enable you to give your reader or audience the full picture of the situation, also providing room for thorough study.
Here are some research samples you can get ideas from in writing your research paper.