Academic Paper Writing

Manuals for students

Full Term Paper Guide With Structure And Outline

Topics that are related to your course of study are usually provided by the instructors when issuing term paper topics. Students might be asked to source for their topics. Students might be asked to choose a topic of their own; such must be related to your course of study and the search for the ideal topic can be gotten through the web; reading magazines; articles, papers, through blogs. The chosen topic should be one that will fulfill the objectives of your course of study.

What to consider when choosing a term paper

We are going to divide it into three and they represent what you are to consider in chief when choosing a term paper topic. 

  • Length- This is the first thing you are to put into serious considerations. When you are certain of the length of the word that is involved in the assignment; it will be pretty easy to decide on how broad or narrow the subject matter is going to be.
  • The Resources- You are expected to gather information on the subject at hand. This can be sourced through various sources online. The internet should not make you abandon the library because there is relevant info to be gotten through the library. You need relevant materials to add to the reference to your paper.
  • Complexity Simplified- You are expected to simplify the paper by explaining your topic in a clear language that your audience will understand. Ask questions on grey areas and do not be afraid to ask your professor on areas that need clarification. 

The Term Paper Outline

Now that you have settled the issue on the topic; the outline is the next thing to think about and it is expected to follow a certain as dictated by the instructor. The general format for writing an outline should include the following:

  • The cover page

The following must be aligned at the following should be aligned at the center of the cover page: name, course, your teacher, and the deadline.

  • The abstract

This is usually less than a page and it is an area where you are expected to capture the interest of the readers in your work. It should embrace the idea of what you want to present and the reason why your paper is a must-read for all.

  • Introduction

It is expected of the student to introduce the subject to be discussed and the value of the topic to our lives. 

  • Body

The points in your research are expected to be explained in full under this section. Full info on the topic should be provided to enable the readers to have a full grasp of the topic.

  • Results

You have to explain the conclusion based on your findings with emphasis on why your report should be believed and considered to be true. Explain your views on the subject matter after going through the process stating if your view before and after the project is the same.

  • Discussion

You are expected to end with a powerful summary and a conclusion. Refer to your opening question and lead readers to engage in further research on the subject matter.

Final take 

The process involved in writing a term guide is not more than what has been disclosed above.
